MECC has a student gri伊娃nce procedure that provides for equitable and orderly processes to resolve complaints made by students for improper treatment.  申诉被定义为学生提出的书面索赔,指控不当行为, 不公平的, 任意的, or discriminatory action by an employee or a student involving the application of a specific provision of a college or rule/regulation or a board policy or procedure.

靠谱的买球网站 (MECC) endeavors to find an equitable resolution to all student complaints at the lowest administrative level. MECC学生有权对MECC的人员或行为提出正式投诉. 学生投诉的定义是那些性质不重要的投诉, 无论是学术的还是非学术的, 在事件发生后的十(10)个日历日内,向学院员工提交一份完整并签署的学生投诉表.  学生投诉表格位于学院网站上的“学生支持”一栏。此政策不适用于(a)学生成绩申诉, (b)所有人力资源政策, (c) VCCS政策手册中明确描述的所有申诉和申诉政策和程序, (d)其他MECC政策涵盖的任何正式上诉或申诉.g.,行为准则,录取,经济援助,令人满意的学业进步等.).  A student can submit the 学生抱怨 form to any employee who will forward the form to 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任 for appropriate dissemination.


学术性质的正式投诉的要素可能因投诉的性质而异.  在一般情况下, 与学术有关的投诉首先由投诉所在学术领域的院长处理. 如果投诉在这个级别得到解决, 最初投诉和解决方案的文件仍保存在学术区院长办公室.

Documentation of complaints that are not resolved at the Dean’s level are provided to the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 upon appeal.  上诉中的正式投诉包括:

  • 学术性质的正式投诉的要素可能因投诉的性质而异. 在一般情况下, 与学术有关的投诉首先由投诉所在学术领域的院长处理. 如果投诉在这个级别得到解决, 最初投诉和解决方案的文件仍保存在学术区院长办公室.  Documentation of a formal complaint that is appealed from the Dean’s level is maintained with the liaison of the Student Affairs Committee and a copy of the documentation is held with the Dean responsible for the area the complaint was made.


  • 最初的投诉,包括从投诉人那里收集到的任何信息.
  • 教务长发推荐几个靠谱的买球网站投诉人的书面回复(纸质或电子邮件). 除了书面答复, the 学术 Dean will include the appeal process for both the Student Affairs Committee and the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案, 投诉人是否可以选择在任何一级上诉.
  • 诉状或上诉的书面副本, 如果投诉人选择向学生事务委员会提出书面投诉.
  • A written response of the Student Affairs Committee to the complainant with a copy to the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案.
  • 致学术事务和劳动力解决方案副总裁的呼吁, 如投诉人选择提出上述上诉.
  • 负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长对投诉人申诉的最终答复.


非学术性质的正式投诉的要素可能根据投诉的性质而有所不同. 所有与学术无关的投诉都应转交推荐几个靠谱的买球网站推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任, 由收到投诉表格的学生或员工负责, 谁将审查并将投诉转交推荐几个靠谱的买球网站投诉产生的部门和/或部门的主管. 如果投诉由主管解决, documentation of the initial complaint and resolution remains in the office of the supervisor of the area with a copy forwarded to 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任; however, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任 will keep a copy of the original formal complaint form and documentation of forwarding the complaint to the appropriate area in the Office of 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站. 如果投诉未在投诉发起的级别得到解决, 该文件存放在投诉解决的级别(学生事务委员会或学术事务副总裁) & 劳动力解决方案.)上诉中非学术性质的正式投诉的要素包括:

  • 最初的投诉,包括从投诉人那里收集到的任何信息.
  • 主管发推荐几个靠谱的买球网站投诉人的书面回复(纸质或电子邮件). 除了书面答复, the supervisor will include the appeal process for both the Student Affairs Committee and the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案, 投诉人是否可以选择在任何一级上诉.
  • 诉状或上诉的书面副本, 如果投诉人选择向学生事务委员会提出书面投诉.
  • A written response of the Student Affairs Committee to the complainant with a copy to the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案.
  • 致学术事务和劳动力解决方案副总裁的呼吁, 如投诉人选择提出上述上诉
  • 负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长对投诉人申诉的最终答复.


The responsible college administrator supervising the area from which the complaint originated first addresses formal complaints filed by students. 所有学术投诉应转发推荐几个靠谱的买球网站投诉发生地的学术院长, 所有非学术投诉应在发生后十(10)个日历日内转交推荐几个靠谱的买球网站推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任. The administrator handling the complaint thereupon gathers the Formal Complaint Form and any other information related to the complaint from the complainant as well as from appropriate individuals with information related to the complaint and/or available documentation related to the complaint. 在调查之后, a written response (hard copy or e-mail) is sent to the complainant along with the appeal process for both the Student Affairs Committee and the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 should the student choose to appeal the decision. 投诉和书面答复的副本也被发送推荐几个靠谱的买球网站招生服务主任, 谁是学生事务委员会的联络人, 以及负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长. 如投诉人对答复不满意, 学生可向学生事务委员会提出书面申诉.

在上诉案件中, the Student Affairs Committee gathers information and provides a written response to the complainant with a copy to the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案. 如投诉人对委员会的答复不满意, 因此,他/她可以向负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长提出上诉. 在考虑投诉人的上诉后, 负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副校长提供他/她对投诉的决定的最终答复. The Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 maintains a file of all formal complaints and responses that result from an appeal to that office. 所有正式投诉都记录在MECC的安全网络上的投诉日志中. 投诉发生地的院长或副总裁负责将数据录入投诉日志. 只有在符合联邦法律的情况下,才能对外发布和保留学生的行为记录或其任何部分内容.

靠谱的买球网站 makes every effort to handle student complaints in a timely manner and also strives to resolve complaints to the satisfaction of all parties involved. 学生投诉和上诉程序适用于所有MECC学生, 包括那些通过远程学习上课的人.


A student may request an appeal if he/she is not satisfied with the written response from the supervisor of the area where the complaint originated. A written appeal to the Student Affairs Committee must be made in writing to the 招生服务主任 within 72 hours of receipt of the original written decision, 或者是9点.m. 如果截止日期是周末或节假日,则在下一个学院工作日,或者在下午5点之后.m. 在工作日.

The Student Affairs Committee chairperson will schedule an appeal hearing to be conducted no later than ten (10) calendar days following the student request for appeal. 学生事务委员会主席将负责通知学生, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任, 投诉发生地的主管,以及当时负责学术事务和劳动力解决方案的副总裁, time, 以及听证会的地点. 学生事务委员会应以简单多数投票作出决定,并以书面形式将其结果告知学生, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任, 招生服务主任, 以及学术事务和劳动力解决方案副总裁,并在听证会结束后的五(5)个工作日内提交.

A subsequent appeal must be submitted in writing to the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 within 48 hours of the student receiving the previous appeal decision in writing, 或者是9点.m. 如果截止日期是周末或节假日,则在下一个学院工作日,或者在下午5点之后.m. 在工作日.

The Office of the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 or his/her designee will schedule an appeal hearing to be conducted no later than ten (10) calendar days following the student request for appeal. The Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 劳动力解决方案 or his/her designee will make a decision and communicate his/her findings in writing to the student and 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站主任 within (5) business days after the hearing is completed.



根据国家授权互惠协议(SARA), the complaint procedures outlined above are subject to oversight of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) in complaints arising from students living outside Virginia who are enrolled in online course(s) through MECC.  在向SCHEV提出投诉之前,学生必须遵循MECC的完整投诉流程.  然后, 如果投诉没有得到内部解决, 学生可以将学生投诉表格提交推荐几个靠谱的买球网站学校进一步审查. 根据SARA,不允许对成绩和学生行为提出申诉.


感到种族歧视的学生, color, 宗教, 性别, 或残疾也可以通过美国教育部民权办公室(OCR)寻求解决方案.  学生是否利用了学校的投诉程序, OCR投诉必须在MECC最终决定之日起60个日历日内提交.  如果没有遵循学院的投诉程序, 学生有最多180日历天的时间,从涉嫌歧视的时间提交OCR.  有关如何向OCR提出投诉的更多资料,请浏览


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